(6'51⁄2" and 270 lbs) you can imagine what I go through to find clothing I can look good in. Are their any other "heavies" with the same problem? My prayers are with you for much success in continuing our movement to express ourselves more freely. KATHY, in Taylor, PENN.
Dear Carol: I must apologize for my tardy delay in answer- ing. As I have indicated I am interested in the formation of a chap- ter here in the Northwest. You might be interested to know that some major breakthroughs have occured recently in my family life. My wife has been especially considerate of late after another marathon night of talk. She still cannot bring herself to meeting my femme self but she is beginning to accept the existance of a second self. Today, for example, she has taken the children out for the day so that I have the house to myself. Later next month she and I are planning an outing for my femme self under the mentorship of Ellen in Portland.
It would be so much better for me if she would join "Maria" but I know that things just cannot be pushed. She looks forward to reading the FEMME MIRROR now. I must admit that I have often thought to myself "why don't these girls take more pride in their natural femininity?" Especialy when I see someone in ragged tennis shoes, coveralls, a tattered shirt, and not a hint of makeup. I must admit that my male-self has worn similar clothing when working around the house or on the cars but it never occurred to me that comfortable clothes as those mentioned above are gender-less. It is too bad, however, that WE girls don't have the same legal freedom as the real girls do. The real girl that I described above can go anywhere at anytime and not receive any second glance, raised eyebrows, etc. But, should "Maria" go window shopping during the middle of the day in this area wearing conservative clothing (skirt, sweater, sandles), not only would eyebrows be raised but the local authorities would stop me and possibly harass me. Despite our best efforts towards education I doubt very seriously that things will change much in my lifetime. So, for now, I'll just chip away at the more immediate problem of convimcing my wife that she would like "Maria" as well as she does her husband. MARIA in Silverdale, WASH'
Dear Carol: Carol: I received I received the book UNDERSTANDING DRESSING and I found it extremely interesting. You can't ima-